Eggistential Drug PSA

What is a remix or mashup or a scramble? I set out “to make a new meaning/story,” but the “This is your brain on drugs PSA“s story was so detailed that I think I just re-enforced its overall message.

Eggsistential Drug PSA
Don’t do drugs y’all, you’ll make rotten egg puns.
Once again, I originally set out to make a progress update, but then just decided to actually make the thing instead. I think I am now a windows movie maker master.


  1. Tempy

    I get the Drug PSA, but I can’t place the audio. Where did it come from? Did you record it? It sounds vaguely familiar, but that might just be years of high school lit classes.

    Very good video, though! It does reinforce the drug message, but it also makes the spokesman look like a monster.

  2. Pingback: The ds106 99: #7 This is your brain on ds106 | bavatuesdays

  3. Audrey

    I know Jim Groom said all that can be said about this video (as he has a tendency to do), but I wanted to personally congratulate you on this misleading/confusing PSA. I’m now pretty sure that drugs have feelings and I should be doing them…

  4. Luis

    Yum! Makes me want a sausage, egg, and bacon breakfast sandwich! Great mashup, your own audio is actually very clever and fits in well with the theme of the video.

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